Shake Your Chakras ®
Do you feel like something is off?
Have you heard the word chakras and had no idea what that meant?
Have you tried ‘everything’ and still like something is off?
Are you ready to learn more about the energy within yourself?
Do you want to learn how to naturally realign your mind, body, and soul?
Are you ready to use yoga and the chakra system in sync?
If you said YES to one or all of these, join me in my 8-week Shake Your Chakras ® online course!!!
What is yoga?
Yoga means union, such as psychological, emotional, and spiritual bonds. Yoga is primarily a spiritual discipline through your mind, body, and soul.
What are chakras?
Chakras (Sanskrit for wheel) are energy centers in the body that help regulate all the processes from emotions to our immune system, and our organs. There are seven chakras in our body that stem from the base of our spine to the top of our skull. Each chakra has its own vibrational energy (frequency), and color, and has specific functions in our body.
As we describe the chakras, we work from the ground up. This course will guide you through the seven chakras and you will learn tools and techniques to help cleanse your energy and get rid of what’s not serving you.
I will teach you specific yoga poses, meditations, and soul work that taps into each chakra to really help you elevate in all areas of life. You will have access to Voxer where you can interact with other participants, ask questions, and have direct access to me for questions/answers.
Upon completion, you will have a better understanding of your body’s chakras, yoga poses, and how it all comes together. You will have specific tools and techniques to use and live in alignment with your Mind.Body.Soul ®.
What you can expect:
Each week for 8 weeks, you will receive 2 hours of teaching and you can expect:
Personal growth
In-person support
Customized practices
Deepening your practice and knowledge
Special gift upon completion
Accountability w/homework via Voxer support
1:1 access to instructor
The Program
MODULE 1: 8 Limbs of Yoga & Doshas
The 8 Limbs of Yoga offer a holistic path to balance and transformation, encompassing ethical living, self-discipline, physical practice, breathwork, meditation, and spiritual awakening. When integrated with the Doshas, the Ayurvedic mind-body types of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, this approach becomes deeply personalized, addressing individual imbalances and guiding the body, mind, and soul toward harmony. Together, they create a dynamic framework for self-discovery, healing, and alignment while creating the foundation of our chakras.
MODULE 2: Mulhadhara - Root Chakra (RED)
Getting grounded with the earth. This chakra is the core of your temple. This element represents support and stability, fight or flight (survival instincts). It’s located at the base of your spine. You will learn what helps regulate mulhadhara, such as; various oils, foods, yoga poses, how to recognize when this chakra is out of balanced, and much more.
MODULE 3: Svadhistana - Sacral Chakra (ORANGE)
During this module, we will learn about your sex organ. Think of your self nourishment and how to help it flow with ease and grace, the sensations; good and bad. This chakra is responsible for emotional bonding. I will teach you yoga poses that touch into your feelings that help you release those sensations that are not serving you and impacting your self-esteem/self-worth.
MODULE 4: Solar Plexus Chakra (YELLOW)
This module will help you balance your impulses and ego. When this chakra is not aligned, we feel weak, passive, tired OR you may feel like forcing things and initiating. We will learn how to master this energy body and direct it in a way that is masterful. When you think of this chakra, think of the warrior poses – energy.
MODULE 5: Heart Chakra (GREEN)
Love is in the air. The heart chakra’s purpose is to dissolve the ego and separateness and expand in love. Fear of intimacy, judgement, and isolation are signs that this chakra is lacking. When we are excessive in this area, we tend to be codependent and desperate for love and attention. When everything is in alignment, we are joyful, compassionate, generous, and radiant. The yoga poses that assist in balancing this chakra are chest and shoulder openers.
MODULE 6: Throat Chakra (BLUE)
Communication is key. The throat chakra governs communication and emotion. When this chakra is out of balance, we lack communication, we are shy, maybe talk too much. I will guide you in releasing the blocks from allowing you to communicate fully and completely.
MODULE 7: Third Eye Chakra (PURPLE)
Your third eye – your intuition. This chakra connects us to our intuition, wisdom, and imagination. I will guide you through a few postures that help release where you may be in denial or close minded. I will teach you tools to help gain clarity and wisdom.
MODULE 8: Crown Chakra (INDIGO)
Connect to your Divine. I will guide you through meditating and mastering Savasana (corpse pose). When your crown chakra is not aligned you feel disconnected or cynical.